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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

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Romania is situated in the South-Eastern part of Central Europe and shares borders with Hungary to the North-West, Serbia to the South-West, Bulgaria to the South, the Black Sea to the South-East, Ukraine to the East and North and the Republic of Moldova to the East. Lying at the crossroads of the major routes between the Western and Eastern world, Romania has always played an important geopolitical role for the stability of the whole continent.

With a surface area of 238,391 square km, Romania’s geographical size ranks 12th in Europe and 79th in the world. Romania is the ninth largest country of the European Union by area, and has the seventh largest population of the European Union, with some 20 million people living within the country borders.

[T: 15.9577, O: 41]