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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

General admission procedures

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Admission for non-EU students

Step 1 – Choose your programme and university

Step 2 – Contact the university of choice and apply for your desired higher education programme

The university will ask you for various documents and among those you will have to fill in the letter of acceptance form. Send the documents to the admissions office of the university / faculty concerned. Typically, after 15 days, you should receive a preliminary decision regarding admission. Each higher education institution will submit the application file for admission to studies in Romania to the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research (the minimum period of processing the application is 30 days, up to 60 days). If a positive decision is reached by the Ministry, a "Letter of Acceptance" is issued and sent to the higher education institution and by case at the diplomatic mission. Should the institution you've applied for, cannot honor your request, the Ministry of Education can suggest another university according to your profile, preferences and availabilities at the moment.

Step 3 - Meet the requirements

Create the admission application dossier by certifying / legalizing prior diplomas / documents from the relevant authorities; - Apply for student visa in your country of origin at the diplomatic mission; Proof of financial means (at least 2,000 Euros in your bank account, in travellers' checks or in cash); consecutively years, you do not need to pass the Romanian language test or to attend the preparatory year; Proof of accommodation – if needed, universities can issue a "Letter of Accommodation" in which it is stated that you have reserved accommodation within the university campus; Health insurance – if you are under 26 years old, health insurance is covered by the university and provides full heath care benefits within the Romanian public insurance system. If your age is over 26 years, you must pay a monthly health insurance fee (49 lei / month). Note that you must register with a general physician (family doctor), who provides basic consults and can refer you to specialists if needed.

Step 4 – Organise your finances

Inform yourself of the tuition fee of your university, as well as the costs of living (see the Cost of living section on this website), so as to be able to financially plan for your stay in Romania.

Step 5 – Find accommodation

Before you arrive in Romania we recommend finding accommodation. The following options are available: on Campus or private, make sure you visit the Accommodation Section.

Step 6 – Enter and live in Romania

Border control in airports is very strict: a visa check and possible questions in income and accommodation in Romania. Please double check the date of the academic year compared to the arrival date, in order to avoid any problems caused by the late arrival pattern. If this situation occurs, it is necessary to contact your host higher education institution one more time in order to obtain an extension of the registration date. 

Admission for EU students

The citizens from EU countries candidate for admission in the Romanian educational system under the same conditions as the Romanian citizens and they are subject to the same tuition fees as the Romanian students.

The citizens from EU countries who wish to study in the Romanian educational institutions must have:

  1. the documents proving the citizenship of the respective state;
  2. the necessary qualification, attested by support documents which, for EU students are:
    • Baccalaureate diploma or equivalent, for the admission to undergraduate studies;
    • University diploma or equivalent, for the admission to Master studies;
    • Master diploma or equivalent, for the admission to Ph.D. programs.

The methodology of the admission is set by individual Romanian educational institutions, and more information can be received from the respective programme administrators.

Language requirements

The admission examination can be organized in the Romanian language, in a national minority language or in a widespread international language, according to the language in which the certain educational program is accredited to function. When applying for an educational program in the Romanian language, the foreign citizens have the obligation to present a Romanian language certificate. The same condition is also imposed in case of student transfer.


EU citizens are eligible for full coverage of the costs of their education by the Romanian state, should they qualify for one of the state-subsidized study places. This requires having a dossier ranked above the state-funding threshold when measured against other applicants. A candidate declared admitted can benefit from state funding only once for each of the three cycles of higher education. Students who are not eligible for state funding will have to pay a tuition fee which normally ranges from 400 to 2000 Euros per academic year. They are, however, eligible to receive state funding (which amounts to a full fee waiver) based on academic merit, social situation or other criteria as determined by institutional policy.

[T: 0.146, O: 55]