Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020
The study programme "Industrial Design" forms textile and leather engineers with general and professional competences. The program is based on a multidisciplinary approach, combining fundamental engineering courses.The program provides knowledge concerning various specific interfaces, such as design/technology, materials/technology, design/ management, etc.
The main curricular areas refer to: fundamental engineering domains; technical and artistic drawing, graphic design; industrial and eco-design; innovation and creativity; advanced textile design and CAD systems for weaving, knitting and clothing; textile and leather technologies; quality assurance; project management for innovative textiles and clothing products; product promotion techniques.
Last updated: 25.01.2024
Check the official program website for potential updates.
Study domain
Tuition fees for Romanian/EU/EEA students / year of study
Tuition fees for non-EU students / year of study
ECTS credits
Type of study