ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

Applied Modern Languages (English, French, German, Italian)

Bachelor programme (BA/ BSc)

Faculty of Letters, History and Theology TIMIŞOARA

Program description

Graduates will have advanced skills in the following combination of languages: English, French, German (as both major and minor languages programmes) and Spanish (advanced), Russian (only as minor languages programmes). All classes are taught in the above mentioned languages. The last classification done by QS Ranking placed our faculty among the top 150 in the world in the field of modern languages. 
The students should take into consideration that they have to follow the preparatory year, in case they don't already have a Romanian language certificate, before applying for this programme.
Further information can be found at: www.litere.uvt.ro

Last updated: 05.01.2017

Check the official program website for potential updates.

Study domain

Applied Modern Languages



Tuition fees for Romanian/EU/EEA students / year of study

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Tuition fees for non-EU students / year of study

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3 years

ECTS credits

180 ECTS

Type of study

[T: 0.2451, O: 60]