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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

Food Products Control and Expertise

Bachelor programme (BA/ BSc)

Faculty of Food Science and Technology CLUJ-NAPOCA

Program description

FOOD CONTROL AND EXPERTISE bachelor programme provides the academic instruction of its highly qualified specialists in the main fields of food engineering based on the development of knowledge, research and innovation. The curriculum provides theoretical content and practical applications to provide the set of skills required to qualify as an engineer in the food industry. The curricula for the bachelor programme is adapted to the labor market requirements and linked to the principles and rules of the food industry. All graduates acquires during the course of their studies the following competencies: - Identification, description and appropriate use of the specific notions of food science and food safety; - The management of engineering processes, operation of plants and equipment for food industry; - The supervision, the management, the analysis and design of food technologies; - Designing, implementing and monitoring of food quality and safety management systems - Achieving food control and expertise, including consumer protection; - Achieving management and marketing activities on agri-food chain.


Fresh content

Last updated: 22.02.2024

Check the official program website for potential updates.

Study domain

Food Engineering



Tuition fees for Romanian/EU/EEA students / year of study

https://admitere.usamvcluj.ro/studii-de-licenta/443-2/ -

Tuition fees for non-EU students / year of study



4 years

ECTS credits

240 ECTS

Type of study

[T: 0.3443, O: 60]