Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020
The Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science goes back to 1867 when Chemistry courses were introduced and taught by professor Emanuel Bacaloglu in the former School of Bridges, Roads and Mines. The faculty is located in the Polizu buildings built starting with 1886 (A building). It is in this location that academician Alfons Saligny supervised the Chemistry laboratories between 1866 and 1903, being followed by Grigore Pfeiffer. During the period between the two World Wars, the young Emilian Bratu, Costin Nenitescu and Serban Solacolu were hired, who were then to become renowned professors and school founders.
Last updated: 28.04.2016
Check the official program website for potential updates.
Study domain
Tuition fees for Romanian/EU/EEA students / year of study
Tuition fees for non-EU students / year of study
ECTS credits
Type of study