ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

Aerospace Engineering

Bachelor programme (BA/ BSc)

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering BUCUREŞTI

Program description

 The Romanian contribution to pioneering in aviation is remarkable and has worldwide recognition. The names of Traian Vuia (the first complete flight by his own aircraft, 1906), Henry Coanda (the first jet engine used for propulsion in aviation, 1920) and Aurel Vlaicu (an inventor with high performances, 1910) are well-known to the aviation world. 

The Specialization in Aviation existing at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest during 1933-1971 turned into the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering in 1971, having 180-200 vacancies for the entrance examination every year.

Last updated: 28.04.2016

Check the official program website for potential updates.

Study domain

Aerospace engineering



Tuition fees for Romanian/EU/EEA students / year of study

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Tuition fees for non-EU students / year of study

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4 years

ECTS credits

240 ECTS

Type of study

[T: 0.1477, O: 60]