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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

International Relations and European Studies

Bachelor programme (BA/ BSc)

Faculty of Political Science BUCUREŞTI

Program description

The programme is dedicated to training future experts and leadership in European affairs and international relations. In addition to courses and seminars, all students are enrolled for one full academic year in internship activities with governmental and non-governmental partners, such as embassies, ministries, media outlets, and top Romanian and international NGOs. All students are also enrolled in specialized English language courses, which help them to consolidate their basic language skills and to acquire the relevant vocabulary and linguistic proficiency required by top international employers. A part of the teaching staff has done fieldwork abroad in Europe, Asia and Latin America, often involving students in their research activities.

Courses catalogue: https://fsp.unibuc.ro/rise/


Fresh content

Last updated: 18.01.2024

Check the official program website for potential updates.

Study domain

International Relations and European Studies



Tuition fees for Romanian/EU/EEA students / year of study

4780 RON -

Tuition fees for non-EU students / year of study



3 years

ECTS credits

180 ECTS

Type of study

[T: 0.1573, O: 60]