ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

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Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




Preparatory year


Petroleum-Gas University is the only public university in one the most prosperous and populated, highly industrialized counties of Romania, Prahova County. Its educational offer is very diverse (engineering, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, economics, administrative sciences, philology, education sciences). 

PGU has five faculties: Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Faculty of Letters and Sciences. 

Petroleum-Gas University 


12 months

Autumn term (enrolments):

6 months

Spring term (enrolments):

6 months


The campus of Petroleum-Gas University offers all students the best living and learning conditions. The students coming under Erasmus+ program are accommodated in the university dormitories in two or three-person rooms with private bathroom, which  have TV cable, Internet access and a fridge,  The essentials are also provided and changed weekly or whenever necessary. The university follows the following procedure when accommodating Erasmus students. Upon admittance, students should apply for a room in the dormitory and they get it on a "first come, first served" basis. They receive constant support from an accommodation officer.The students who stay in the university dormitories must pay the accommodation one month in advance. On campus, close to the dorms, the students can have their meals in the university cafeteria in an "a la carte" system. Together with the Romanian students and the other international students they can benefit by the facilities and services of the university. They can use the gym and the sports ground next to it and they can spend pleasant evenings in the Students' House, which organizes artistic and scientific activities.

Other relevant information:

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti observes the provisions of Erasmus Charter, respects the quality assurance regulations and the best practices in the European space. An integral part of our strategy is the continuation of partnerships and the initiation of new collaboration programs.

The Erasmus+ objectives are formulated in two directions: students' placement mobility and staff mobility for teaching activities. In both directions, we are interested in facilitating interactions at the European level and improving the teaching/learning methods. At the same time, we aim at identifying common research interests which materialize during exchanges.
The benefit of Erasmus+ exchanges is that they contribute to the personal development of students and teachers, by improving linguistic competence, social skills, intercultural competence and encouraging initiative spirit. 
The university fully supports the Erasmus+ program considering it one of the best ways of bringing different cultures in contact, which is beneficial for everyone involved.
As host institution, Petroleum-Gas University supports the selected students in completing all the formalities with the Romanian authorities.  


O.S.P.G. (PGU Student Organization)

Gavrilă Ștefan

The student organization is concerned with solving the students' problems and helping them integrate better in the academic community.


Liga studentilor basarabeni din Ploiesti (League of students from Moldova)

Gavrilă Ștefan

It is an organization which defends the rights and interests of the students from Moldova studying in Ploiesti and helps them integrate in the life of the academic community.


AEGEE Ploiesti (Asociatia Studentilor Europeni Ploiesti-European Student Forum)

Alin Georgescu and Mihaela Tataru

We are a European interdisciplinary student organization, part of AEGEE Europe with antennas in 40 countries. AEGEE Ploiesti assumes the role of creating, maintaining and promoting voluntary activities, a framework for personal and professional development. Our main goal is to promote tolerance and understanding among youth.


Gavrilă Ștefan


We are a European interdisciplinary student organization, part of AEGEE Europe with antennas in 40 countries. AEGEE Ploiesti assumes the role of creating, maintaining and promoting voluntary activities, a framework for personal and professional development. Our main goal is to promote tolerance and understanding among youth.


Member of:


[T: 0.3233, O: 111]