ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

  • UA7F191
  • UAC45D1
  • UAFE191
  • UA7ACC1

"Ion Ionescu de la Brad" Iasi University of Life Sciences

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




The “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life Sciences is a public institution of higher education, registered in the Romanian National System of Higher Education. The University has four faculties as follows: the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Horticulture, the Faculty of Food and Animal Sciences and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life Sciences is situated in the city of Iasi, a metropolis of 96 square kilometres positioned on seven hills in the North - East part of Romania. Geographically, the city of Iasi is 394 km away from Bucharest, 431 km from Cluj Napoca and 144 km away from Kishinev, the capital of the Republic of Moldavia.

The university has various study programs for Bachelor, Master and PhD, having Romanian or English as language of instruction.

The main campus of the “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi University of Life Sciences is on the Copou hill, in the north part of the city on an area of 15 hectares.

For the accommodation of the students, the university has 5 hostels with more than 1750 places available.

For the specific practical training, the institution has a teaching resort with three production and research farms, namely: Ezăreni farm – 122 ha; Adamachi farm – 49 ha and the Rediu farm – 58 ha. In addition, the university has three centres for practical training, one at Plaiul Şarului (capacity of 66 places), one at Frasin, in Suceava county, and another one in Făcăeni, Ialomiţa County (capacity of 60 places).


2014 - 2020 (Erasmus+ Charter No: 67932-EPP-1-2014-1-RO-EPPKA3-ECHE) (Application form to Brussels and Financial agreement to the National Agency for every year)

Autumn term (enrolments):

November 30th

Spring term (enrolments):

June 30th


Our university has 5 modern residential halls connected to the Internet, cable TV, equipped with cooking facilities and washing machines. Erasmus students can receive accommodation in rooms of 3 or 4 students, at a cost of about 50 EUR / month /student.

Other relevant information:

According to the Erasmus rules we are engaged to promote and to participate in mobility activities for students and staff. Student mobility, including learning and training activities will involve the student in the three cycles (bachelor, master and doctorate). 
The second target group in mobility activities is teaching staff. 
The third target group participating in Erasmus mobility is administrative and technical staff. 


Liga Studentilor Agronomic si Veterinari


The statutory declaration of the association is available at: http://www.uaiasi.ro/index.php?lang=ro&pagina=pagini/10_statut_liga.html

Member of:


[T: 0.2386, O: 95]