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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

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Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




    General information

The Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB) is a tertiary educational institution with a long history of successful contributions to Romania’s development.   UTCB has its roots in the “School for Land Surveyors” (1818) and in “The school of Bridges, Roads and Mines” (1867), thus being one of the oldest Romanian universities. Since 2019 UTCB is member of the European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability EU-CONEXUS, a transnational European higher education and research institution with partner universities from France, Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Spain, Croatia, Ireland, Germany and Cyprus.

Supplementary to the study programs in Romanian languages, at UTCB you can find two bachelor programs in French language and one in English (all of them EUR-ACE® labelled) and two masters programs in French (with dedicated double-diploma agreements with Liège University, Belgium, and La Rochelle University, France) and one in English. Other double-diploma agreements for civil engineering bachelors and masters are available, with École de Ponts ParisTech and with Groupe INSA, both from France. These agreements supplement many ongoing Erasmus+ agreements of UTCB. At UTCB you can also enroll to the Preparatory Year in Romanian Language t


a semester or a whole academic year;

Autumn term (enrolments):

in early October-application deadline end of July

Spring term (enrolments):

March-application deadline end of January


Foreign students can be housed in halls of residence of UTCB or in private accommodation, with the assistance of the Erasmus+ Office. Meals can be served at the University cafeteria. The average room and board expenses for international students are currently around 47 Euro per month.The application form is available at: http://erasmus.utcb.ro/incoming

Other relevant information:

UTCB offers curricula in the field of civil engineering and in complementary fields for all educational cycles: bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate.

You can study in English or French at the Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages ​​(FILS), in French at the Faculty of Engineering of Installations (FII), or in Romanian, following a preparatory year of Romanian language (FILS) at any of the others faculties of UTCB.

Member of:


[T: 0.1917, O: 84]