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  • Erasmus incoming students 2015

1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




Preparatory year


“1 DECEMBRIE 1918” UNIVERSITY OF ALBA IULIA (UAB) was set up as a public higher education and research institution founded pursuant to the Romanian Government Decision no. 474/09.07.1991. In 2020, following the institutional assessment carried out by the Executive Bureau of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ARACIS, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia was awarded a HIGH CONFIDENCE RATING, the highest qualification for Romanian universities. UAB’s structure consists of 5 faculties, namely: Faculty of History, Letters and Educational Sciences; Faculty of Law and Social Sciences; Faculty of Informatics and Engineering; Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Orthodox Theology and approximately 5000 students at all levels. The educational offer includes accredited study programs for all levels (bachelor, master and PhD), with specialization in history, literature, business administration, accounting, finance, IT, marketing, environmental engineering, law, sociology, social work, sport, theology, etc. 

UAB ete o instituție publică de învățământ superior fondată în 1991, care  se angajează să extindă, să modernizeze și să adapteze facilitățile sale de cercetare și educație și să dezvolte un sistem complex - atât teoretic cât și practic - de formare academică pentru toți cei care sunt dispuși să devină specialiști cu înaltă calificare în diferite domenii de activitate, pregătiți în mod adecvat pentru piața muncii naționale și internaționale din ce în ce mai solicitante și provocatoare. Prin urmare, ne îmbunătățim permanent programele de licență, precum și studiile postuniversitare (programe de masterat și doctorat). 


RO ALBAIU01, 223983-EPP-1-2014-1-RO-EPPKA3-ECHE, ECHE Start Date - 1/1/2014; ECHE validity - 12/31/2023

Autumn term (enrolments):

1 October - end of February

Spring term (enrolments):

1 March - end of June


The University has modern Student Residence Halls.

Other relevant information:

The Erasmus+ Buddy Programme offers opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students helping students. Your buddy will:

- tell you how to get to Alba Iulia;

- pick you up at the bus/train station here in Alba Iulia;

- take you to the residence halls and help you fill in the necessary documents;

- take you to the University during Orientation day;

- give you basic orientation in the city, at the university; explain public transportation system, shopping;

- share tips about the best places to have fun;

- help you during your mobility with anything you need.

If you are interested in having a Buddy, please accept the invitation to the Erasmus Incoming Students Group on Facebook, which we will create prior to your arrival in Alba Iulia.


Liga Studentilor din Universitatea 1 Decembrie 1918 Alba Iulia - LSUA


The Students’ League from “1 Decembrie 1918' University of Alba-Iulia (LSUA) is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit-making organization. It was set up in 1992, which is only one year after the University started its activity. LSUA mission is to promote and defend the rights, liberties and advancement of the students in the currnt social and economic life. Its activity is carried out exclusively by members and volunteers.


Organizația Studenților și Liceenilor Basarabeni din Alba Iulia


The association is independent from other cultural, political, religious organizations as well as from the national or international governmental organizations, but it can affiliate with them to achieve its goals and objectives.

Member of:


[T: 0.191, O: 98]