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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

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National University of Music Bucharest

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




The academic community of the University has a unique combination of traditions and dynamics of our fast changing world. We owe our success to our excellent teaching staff (more than 150), numerous students (more than 800) and alumni who perform on the most prestigious stages of Europe and around the world.
National University of Music Bucharest (UNMB) defines its strategic development objectives grounded in 140 years of tradition and is committed to being an active part in constructing the European area of higher music education. We are particularly interested in encouraging the individual expression and growth of our students and teaching staff.
The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) awarded UNMB a high confidence rating for 2010 - 2015, as a result of the institutional evaluation.

National University of Music Bucharest has two main faculties:

Faculty  of  Performing Arts (all classical instruments and singing)
Faculty of Composition, Musicology and Music Pedagogy (Composition, Musicology, Music Pedagogy, Orchestral and Choir Conducting, Jazz-Pop Music and Church Music).
Study levels:
The studies at the National University of Music Bucharest are accredited in three levels:
Bachelor degree
- 4 years full time study, 240 ECTS (instrumental and singing studies, composition and musicology) and
- 3 years full time study, 180 ECTS (for music pedagogy and Byzantine music).
Master degree, 120 ECTS - 2 years full time study
Doctoral degree, 180 ECTS - 3 years full time study.
Doctoral School of UNMB provides two types of doctoral programs, as follows:
I. Professional doctoral degree
II. Scientific doctoral degree
Recognized degree: - Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)
Duration of study: 6 semesters (full-time).
More details regarding the Doctoral School, can be found on the following website: www.unmb.ro

As a student at the National University of Music Bucharest, you have the chance to study music at the highest standards, no matter the study level (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral studies) or the specialty you will choose. Our academic offer is wide and diverse, allowing you to receive outstanding tuition and performance opportunities (both inside the university - in the two main concert halls, "George Enescu" and "Opera Studio" and in other cultural institutions, such as Broadcasting Companies, museums, National Opera House Bucharest, Romanian Athenaeum, etc.)
UNMB students have the possibility to enjoy a generous offer of social and cultural activities as well. Bucharest is a lively city, with all kinds of opportunities in terms of socializing and having fun, whatever you consider doing: going to the cinema, to classical music concerts, to the opera performances, to clubs and pubs, to wander in its lovely parks. As an UNMB student you will have the advantage of free or discounted tickets for most of the artistic events organized in the city.



Structure of the academic year: 01.10.-30.09.

Autumn term (enrolments):


Spring term (enrolments):



As an UNMB student, you will enjoy a modern accommodation in our students' hostel, 5 minutes walking from the university.
This is a truly cost-effective place to stay, as you will also be able to walk to school. The rooms are neat and comfortable and they have all the utilities, including a TV set, Internet connection. A kitchen and a laundry room are also available. The whole atmosphere is a pleasant one. Further information regarding the student hostel can be found at its location: G-ral Berthelot Street, no.8, Bucharest.

Private accommodation: if you prefer to rent a flat or to share a house in private accommodation, you will be assisted in this matter as well.

Other relevant information:

The internationalization strategy of the study programs is closely connected to a wide and diverse activity carried out by DRIPC.
An impressive number of participations of the academic staff, alumni and students in international artistic events (concerts, recitals, festivals, juries) define UNMB as a prestigious university within the music life worldwide. 
National University of Music Bucharest is an active partner of the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC) http://www.aec-music.eu/, develops and develops the following interuniversity cooperation programs at the European and regional level:
ERASMUS + - http://www.unmb.ro/en/international-relations/llp-erasmus/. Under the framework of this program have been signed more than 70 Bilateral Agreements with partner institutions from Europe.
CENTRAL EUROPEAN EXCHANGE PROGRAM  FOR UNIVERSITY STUDIES (CEEPUS) - http://www.unmb.ro/en/international-relations/ceepus/ As a coordinator of the project CEEPUS INITIATIVES IN THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN PROFESSIONAL MUSIC FIELD, UNMB defines his place as a regional leader of the higher music education.
FULBRIGHT - students and teachers from USA have the opportunity to study/teach at the UNMB, inside the frame of this prestigious program.

Member of:


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