ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

  • UPET Drona 052020013 1
  • Campus Dorms
  • Football Syntetic Ground
  • Pedology Lab
  • Robotics Lab
  • Teaching Facilities
  • Map of the Campus
  • University and the Town

University of Petrosani

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




Since its foundation in 1948, the University of Petroşani has had the mission to train graduate specialists for all the fields of activity specific for the mining industry, as well as for other industrial branches: mining machines and installations, technological equipment, energy and process automation.
Therefore, the University underwent a radical transformation process by adjusting its study programs and organizational structures and becoming more open and flexible, in order to meet the needs of an increasingly heterogeneous student population, which can encompass, among other categories, lifelong learners and foreign students. 
The strategy of developing the curricula of the HEI has started from the need to establish solid connections among the three levels of the Bologna educational system: Bachelor – Master studies – Doctoral studies. Over the last years, the educational offer expanded every year, both for bachelor and master studies, so that in the current academic year, the University provides 24 bachelor programmes, 21 master programmes and 4 Doctoral fields. The managerial structure of the University includes the following three faculties: the Faculty of Mines; the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; the Faculty of Science. 
Nowadays, aproximatelly 4000 students are enrolled within the three Faculties and the Doctoral School.
Among the strenghts of the HEI we highlight the following:
- A consolidated infrastructure of the University, totally self-owned, permanently developed in order to ensure adequate education conditions and social services for students;
- Assurance of permanent connection to the Internet, both in the education spaces and the student hostels;
- The campus provides high standard accommodation, lounge, cultural and sports facilities; 
- HEI has proficient teaching staff, with competences in their specific fields, capable of promoting modern, student-oriented education;
- Most study programs include in their curricula highly practical activities performed in modern laboratories;
- HEI has developed post-graduate courses structured accordingly to the needs of companies, public institutions and with quality standards;
- The documentation resources, the publications and journal subscriptions provided by the University Library are permanently renewed and accessible to the entire academic community

University of Petrosani is member of European University of Responsible Consumption and Production EURECA-PRO, you can study at one of the 9th university of the consortium.



Autumn term (enrolments):

Beginning of October till the end of February

Spring term (enrolments):

Beginning of March till the end of July


Details about housing can be find in the "Living in HEI campus section".

Other relevant information:

Continuous national and international development strategy in the University of Petrosani consists of using educational services for national and international students, graduates and postgraduates in order to achieve a set of objectives, measures and methods to respond to continuous new needs, changes and challenges on the labor market. All these are focused on: integration in the European Higher Education Area; European awareness; integrated study programs; multidisciplinary and inter cultural approach; curricula development, using even e-learning technology; enterprising education; improved quality and relevance of higher education; providing the specific needs for people with disability and disadvantage groups.
The target groups of our mobility activities are: students (students in first, second and third cycles) for study and training mobilities, academic and non academic staff for training mobilities and academic staff for teaching assignment.
All the activities developed by the Erasmus+ Office are according to Erasmus Charter, Erasmus Guide and National Agency advice.


The University of Petroșani Students League


The Students' League of the University of Petroșani (LSUP) is an organization dedicated to representing and promoting the interests of students in Romania, with a special focus on the university centre of Petroșani. Our fundamental aim is to create a representative organizational framework and to promote a strong solidarity among our members, who are young scholars and students with great potential. We also encourage a positive attitude towards the prospects of their remaining in the country after graduation.

LSUP's main objectives include defending and promoting the academic, professional, social and cultural rights and interests of our members. We are dedicated to facilitating their contribution to the development of Romania through active involvement in society and the community.

One of our core missions is to provide relevant information and opportunities for students to participate in the economic, political and social life of Romania. We strive to guide and support students in discovering ways in which they can contribute to the progress of our country.


The Association of Basarabian Students in Petroșani


The University of Petroșani Students Union

Member of:


[T: 0.4499, O: 103]
Notification! Due to the high number of applications received, the results for the scholarship programme offered by the Romanian state through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be announced by the end of August. Applicants will be notified directly in their StudyinRomania account in the following month. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Notification! En raison de l'augmentation du nombre de candidatures, les résultats du programme de bourses offert par l'État roumain par l'intermédiaire du ministère des Affaires étrangères, sera annoncée d'ici à la fin d’août. Les candidats seront notifiés directement dans leur compte StudyinRomania le mois suivant. Merci de votre patience et votre compréhension!