ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

  • campus vedere din drona
  • A1  Rectorat UPT
  • A2  Biblioteca
  • A3  Campus
  • A4  Studenti
  • A5  Studenti
  • A8  Absolventi
  • A9  Baza sportiva

Politehnica University of Timisoara

Key details 2024

Institution type




Study programs




International students




Preparatory year


Politehnica University of Timisoara (UPT) is one of the biggest technical universities from Central/ Eastern Europe. Teaching and research are conducted in 10 faculties:

  1. Architecture and City Planning
  2. Automation and Computing
  3. Civil Engineering
  4. Communication Sciences
  5. Electrical and Power Engineering
  6. Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies
  7. Industrial Chemistry and Environmental Engineering
  8. Management in Production and Transportation
  9. Mechanical Engineering
  10. Engineering in Hunedoara.

Approximately 12500 students are enrolled at UPT in internationally recognised bachelor, master and PhD programmes. The main teaching language is Romanian, yet a number of programmes are taught in English or German.

As a student at UPT you will learn from internationally-recognised specialists, gaining skills and experience that will help you stand-out. We are proud of the many awards received by our students in national and international competitions. UPT has excellent teaching and research infrastructure, as well as strong links with the business environment, so laboratory work, internships, study visits, and industrial expert lectures are part of the study programmes. Employers value our graduates for their abilities, flexibility and innovative ideas, and constantly include our career fairs in their recruitment strategies.

The focus on innovation, quality and internationalisation is reflected by our membership in major academic associations, as well as by the large number of international projects. Every year we offer students more than 250 international exchange grants for short-term studies and internships at world-leading institutions.

  1. High-quality EU degree. Internationally accredited study programmes in English/German.
  2. Wide choice of study programmes in a variety of fields.
  3. Excellent infrastructure for teaching and research, and a strong link to the business sector.
  4. High employability of graduates.
  5. Free access to all university facilities, academic mentoring and career counselling, support for obtaining the visa/ residence permit.
  6. Compact, friendly campus with student residences, cafeterias, sports centres, library and lecture halls situated in the city centre.
  7. Opportunities for study/ internship grants in partner universities.
  8. Scholarship opportunities for students with outstanding academic results.


One semester/ One year.

Autumn term (enrolments):

Mid June

Spring term (enrolments):

Mid December


UPT offers housing on the Student Campus for all international students at very affordable rates.

Other relevant information:

The UPT guide for international students and staff can be accessed following this link http://upt.ro/img/file/Up/INFORMATION%20GUIDE_2020-2021.pdf


ESN Timisoara- Erasmus Student Network

E-mail: contact@timisoara.esn.ro/esntimisoara@gmail.com ; ESN Timisoara Office Aleea Studentilor, Caminul 13, Room 015 Timisoara, Romania Working hours: Wednesday 5 PM - 7 PM

ESN – Erasmus Student Nerwork is one of the biggest student associations in Europe, present in more than 390 universities in 36 countries, which acts in the interest on international students. ESN’s aim is to enhance the practical and social integration of the international students and to represent their rights and needs on a local, national and international level. ESN also promotes study abroad opportunities and takes care of the reintegration of the students who return to their home country after an educational experience abroad. ESN Timisoara is a section of Erasmus Student Network in charge of the Erasmus and international students in the city of Timisoara. The section got recognised by ESN Romania on national level in December 2011 and on an international level by ESN International in January 2012. The activity of the section is currently developed by its 20 active members who work on a volunteering basis.


COSPol - Convenția Organizațiilor Studențești din Politehnică (the Convention of Student Organizations of UPT)

Aleea Studenților, căminul 22C, parter Timișoara, Romania, 300551

The Convention of Student Organizations of the Polytechnic (COSPol) is an umbrella structure for the student organizations of the university faculties, which has the role of representing the educational and social interests of the students of Politehnica University of Timișoara. The mission of the organization is to represent the students in the decision-making structures of Politehnica University of Timișoara and to mediate the relations between the students, the dormitory student committees, the student representatives and the student organizations. COSPol's core values ​​are based on the principle of proactive participatory democracy of students and their principle of social equity.




In the spring of 1991, at the initiative of a group of students enthusiastic and eager to bring change both in their lives and in the lives of their colleagues, the local group BEST Timisoara was born. For 30 years they have wanted to offer students the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally, through the events they organize. Thus, with each course and event addressed to students from all over Europe, they aim to make known the culture, history and lifestyle specific Romania.

Member of:


[T: 0.1904, O: 105]