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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

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Spiru Haret University

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




Preparatory year


We guarantee a complete, high quality education which focuses on our STUDENTS and their professional needs. Our vision is to provide society, through our graduates, with specialists, experts and leaders equipped to handle any professional challenge in their fields.
We made it our mission to promote a new quality in the field of education, by continuously optimizing our academic programmes, intensifying our scientific research activities and adapting our curriculum to meet the needs and trends of the Labor Market, while also focusing on performance in the field of Human Resources.
We are the largest private University in Romania, with 25 years of experience and a long lasting tradition of providing high quality education. 
We are fully committed to our students. We offer a wide range of study programmes and personal and professional development opportunities.
We adapt constantly to our students’ needs through the educational programmes that we develop and the variety of attendance types we provide.
We have established a pro-quality organizational culture based on continuous improvement of our education process and our human resources. Our main objective is to offer quality education in compliance with the current trends and demands of the Labor Market.
Our teaching staff is highly qualified and committed to continual professional development. They are permanently engaged in scientific research activities and constantly take part in international academic events.
We focus on developing positive relationships and partnerships with prestigious academic entities all around the world. In doing so, we create educational and professional opportunities for both our students and our teaching staff.
We offer our graduates support in Labor Market integration and we assist young entrepreneurs in starting small businesses, through the research and development projects we initiate. 

14 faculties in 5 campuses: Bucharest, Braşov, Constanţa, Craiova, Câmpulung
  • Bucharest
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports
Faculty of Letters
Faculty of Engineering, Computer Sciences and Geography
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Faculty of Economic Sciences
Faculty of Legal, Political and Administrative Sciences
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences
  • Braşov
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Faculty of Legal, Economic and Administrative Sciences
  • Câmpulung 
Faculty of Economic Sciences
  • Constanţa
Faculty of Legal and Economic Sciences
  • Craiova
Faculty of Legal, Economic and Administrative Sciences



Maximum 1 academic year

Autumn term (enrolments):

1st October – mid-February

Spring term (enrolments):

Mid-February – 1st July


Spiru Haret University offers affordable accommodations for both national and international students in its private residence hall. The hostel is located in the 4th District of Bucharest, in close vicinity to the University’s Berceni Campus, and only 5 minutes away from major public transportation routes.

Completely renovated in 2015, the residence hall consists of 2, 3 or 4-person rooms and a limited number of individual studios for students in need of a private, quiet study environment.

The Spiru Haret Residence Hall offers both private and communal sanitary facilities, refrigerators in each room and 24 hour security, while the surrounding garden is the perfect setting for outdoor social leisure activities.

The hostel is run in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on organization, management and operation of student residence halls.

Other relevant information:



Spiru Haret Architecture Students Association (ASASH) is a non-profit organization founded in 2011 that functions within the Faculty of Architecture of Spiru Haret University.



Spiru Haret Psychology and Education Sciences Students Association (ASFPS-USH) is a non-profit organization founded to promote the social and professional interests of students, to develop civic engagement and to facilitate the exchange of information, thus ensuring the students’ professional development in the fields of Psychology and Education Sciences.



Spiru Haret Veterinary Medicine Students Association (ASFMV-USH) is a non-profit student body organization which functions within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Spiru Haret University.


Student’s Science Circles

At Spiru Haret University, the student’s Science Circles are educational platforms that complement the teaching process and stimulate the voluntary involvement of students in research activities, debates and projects in the field of study.



Spiru Haret Economic Sciences Students Association (ASESH)is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 that functions within the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Spiru Haret University. The Association is involved in organizing scientific, cultural and social events and activities that promote the students’ professional development in fields such as Marketing, Communication and PR, Finance and Banking, Accounting and Management.

Member of:


[T: 0.4787, O: 112]
Notification! Due to the high number of applications received, the results for the scholarship programme offered by the Romanian state through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be announced by the end of August. Applicants will be notified directly in their StudyinRomania account in the following month. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Notification! En raison de l'augmentation du nombre de candidatures, les résultats du programme de bourses offert par l'État roumain par l'intermédiaire du ministère des Affaires étrangères, sera annoncée d'ici à la fin d’août. Les candidats seront notifiés directement dans leur compte StudyinRomania le mois suivant. Merci de votre patience et votre compréhension!