ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

  • Brasov universitate
  • UTBv 01
  • UTBv 05
  • UTBv 02
  • UTBv 03
  • UTBv 06
  • UTBv 07
  • UTBv 08

"Transilvania" University of Brasov

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




Preparatory year


Transilvania University of Brasov, an accredited public higher education institution with a tradition of over half a century, has the mission of providing and developing the resources and tools for high quality teaching and scientific research, such as to ensure its competitiveness in the European Higher Education Area.

The university evolves within the dynamics of today's knowledge-based society, relying on its dedicated teaching staff who coordinate numerous multi-disciplinary national and international projects, both scientific and educational, and organize high-class international conferences and forums.
The university's associated values are: transparency, performance, team spirit, equity, acknowledgement of merits, ethics, openness towards the community.
Its history began in 1948, when the Forestry Institute was set up in Brasov. Since then, the university has continuously developed, currently being the largest and the best reputed higher education institution in the region, consisting of 18 faculties, around 20,000 students and over 1,000 academic staff. The faculties offer academic degree programs in a wide range of fields (engineering, science, humanities, medicine, music), develop scientific research and provide lifelong learning programs based on the societal request. The educational process follows the Bologna principles: at the 1st and 2nd cycles (bachelor and master) it is organized as full-time, part-time and long distance programs; the activities of the 3rd cycle (doctoral studies) as well as the post doctoral research, are managed by the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School.
Brasov is a multicultural and multiethnic city, located in Transilvania (center of Romania), in a mountainous region, with historical and cultural sites, recognized all over the world. The current structure of the local economy is balanced, including industry, trade, construction, and services. The foreign investors and entrepreneurs choose to locate their business in Brasov due to the wide offer for highly qualified human resources, provided by Transilvania University. Nowadays, the city represents a region under development with better job opportunities than other parts of Romania.
Due to its gradual development, the University's academic buildings are dispersed across the city. However, most of them are concentrated on Colina Campus. A new university research campus, GENIUS- Green, Energy Independent University Campus, including the University Reserch & Development Institute, is operational since 2013.
Every year, Transilvania University is the chosen destination of hundreds of students and teachers participating in academic and research exchange programs, coming from EU and other partner countries, all over the world.

  • Transilvania University of Brașov is the largest public university in central Romania. 
  • It has 18 faculties, Bachelor + Master's study programs in 43 domains, doctoral programs in 22 domains, around 20,000 students and more than 1,000 academic staff.
  • It is strongly focused on internationalization, through scholarships and fellowships for international students and researchers, and cooperation agreements with universities from all over the world


4.5 months

Autumn term (enrolments):

Beginning of October

Spring term (enrolments):



Accommodation is available only for the incoming student who come with a visa

Other relevant information:

For exchange students, no tuition fee is required by Transilvania University of Brașov. 

Accommodation arrangements should be made in advance by filling in the Student Accommodation Request Form and sending it to the Erasmus Office (incoming@unitbv.ro).


ATB – Association of Young Bessarabians - Brasov


The Association of Young Bessarabians in Brașov (ATB Brașov) is an apolitical and non-profit organization, with the main goals of promoting the Bessarabians values and traditions, as well as representing the rights and freedoms of Bessarabian students and pupils from Brașov.

The main goal of the association is the integration of young Bessarabians into the Brasov community.

Furthemore, ATB Brasov is involved every year in the admission process of the Romanians ethnics.


ASSM – Scientific Association of Students in Medicine


"One of the most important and common qualities of a doctor is the love for people and the desire to help them. With the same goal for already 10 years, the Scientific Association of Brașov Medical Students supports the community through activities dedicated to the general public, but also to its students, by educating and training them professionally and personally.

With every hour of volunteering and every activity, we try to create around us the society that we all want: informed, responsible, but above all healthy, and we encourage the medical students to develop and grow, by creating for them a friendly environment, where their problems are listened to and their interests are represented. Together we make a difference!"


PRIME BRAȘOV – European Association of PR & Communication Students


The PRIME association Brasov is a non-governmental, non-profit an non-political student organization under the umbrella of PRIME Romania.
PRIME is the only student organization of this type in Romania, and its main goal is to support as much as possible the students passionate about fields such as Communication & PR, Marketing or Advertising, in the process of personal and professional development. One of the main objectives of the organization is to facilitate the best possible collaboration between students, the academic environment and the business environment.
We organize events for students. PRIME Brașov organizes internal events, for the association's volunteers, as well as external events, for the general public, on a monthly basis. The most targeted for these events are obviously, communication students. From seminars, workshops, to trainings in the true sense of the word, we try to offer both our volunteers and students as many learning opportunities outside the academic environment as possible.


ELSA - The European Law Students’ Association


ELSA ("The European Law Students' Association") was founded on 4 May 1981, in Vienna, by a group of students from Poland, Austria, Hungary and West Germany (the Federal Republic of Germany). The basic idea was to promote international ties and mutual understanding between law students on both sides of the Iron Curtain.

In a very short time, the association developed, expanding towards the northern part of Europe. Most of the meetings of the International Council were held in Copenhagen and Helsinki, and the first International Bureau was hosted by Oslo in 1984.

ELSA Romania was founded in 1990, and in 1993 it became a full member of ELSA International in 1993.

ELSA Romania is the only active association of law students at national level, bringing together approximately 1000 members from Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Craiova, Galaţi, Iasi, Oradea, Sibiu, Suceava, Târgu Mureș and Timisoara.


ASUT - Transilvania University Students’ Association


Transilvania University Students' Association


ASCOR - Association of Orthodox Christian in Students


The Association of Orthodox Christian Students from Romania was founded on 14 June 1990 in Bucharest, with the blessing of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, at the initiative of students and doctoral students from various faculties.

A.S.C.O.R. has a national character, having branches in university centers from all over the country: Sibiu, Craiova, Alba-Iulia, Oradea, Timisoara, Baia-Mare, Iasi, Suceava, Bacau, Galati, Constanta, etc.

Cultural activities:

- conferences and round tables on cultural and religious topics, with guests from Romania and abroad;

- exhibitions of icons on glass and wood;

- film projections;

- religious music concerts.

Social-philanthropic activities:

- involvement in various educational and recreational activities of children institutionalized in special schools;

- monthly visits to the elderly home;

- carol concerts in hospitals, student dormitories and elderly homes.

Specific activities:

pilgrimages to Orthodox monasteries in Romania and abroad;

- camps with various specific themes: iconography, ethnography and folklore, work, socio-human research;

- the Philocaly Evening festival, held every autumn;

- organizing the consecration of student dormitories in the beginning of the academic year.


BEST - Board of European Students of Technology


BEST Brasov is a non-governmental organization, established in 1997, intended for Transilvania University students. It deals both with facilitating communication between the University, students and companies, but also with the professional and personal development of the organization’s members and students.

BEST Brasov comes to the aid of students through events organized for them, such as workshops, academic courses or company presentations, which cover the needs and interests of university students. Thus, we offer participants the necessary support, both academically and professionally.

In addition to the academic events, BEST Brasov also plans various social group activities for members of the organization, with the aim of improving relations between them.


AIESEC - International Association of Student in Economics and Business


AIESEC is a global platform for young people who want to explore and develop their leadership potential. It is a non-political, independent, non-profit organization, run by students and recent graduates of higher education institutions. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate people based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion or national/social origin. Since we were established, we have engaged and developed over 1,000,000 young people who have gone through an AIESEC experience. The impact the organization can be seen through the alumni who represent businesses, NGOs and world leaders, including a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Martti Ahtisaari from Finland.

Member of:


[T: 0.1745, O: 124]