ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

  • Rectorat Building
  • FSMC1
  • FI LAB3
  • FI LAB2
  • Debarcader Student Campus

"Constantin Brancusi" University of Târgu-Jiu

Key details 2023

Institution type




Study programs




International students




Preparatory year


"Constantin Brancusi" University of Targu-Jiu (UCB) was founded in 1992 by Government Decision no. 288/15 June 1992 and it is situated in the center of Tg-Jiu city, in the area near Central Park of the town. Nowadays, our University offers a complex material and completely modernized base: seven buildings as places of education, 2 students' hostels with 120 places of accommodation, lecture/classrooms modern equipped, a distance e-learning platform, library with 5 lecture rooms which has 120000 tomes from all the scientific domains, a recreation centre for students, a gymnasium, playing fields, a recreational chalet in Rânca holiday resort. Currently, our University has 2924 students, 5 components, 2 departments and a college: 

-The Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development consists of two departments: the Department of Automation, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (AEDD)  and the Department of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems (IMST);
-Faculty of Economics consists of two departments: Department of Management, Marketing and Business Administration and  the Department of Finance and Accounting;
-The Faculty of International Relations, Law and Administrative Sciences (currently, this faculty was divided into The Faculty of Educational Sciences and Public Management - FSEMP - and the Faculty of Juridical Sciences - FSJ): FSEMP consisting of two departments: The Department of Letter and Educational Science and the Department of Political and Administrative Science; FSJ consisting of one department: the Department of Juridical Sciences and Judicial Career);
-The Faculty of Medical Sciences and Behavioral;
-The Department of Teacher Training; 
-The Department for Distance Learning and Life Long Education;
-UCB College with 5 specialization: Analyst Programmer,
Nursing, Conferences, congresses, fairs and exhibitions Organizer,
Electro-energetic tehnician, CNC machine operator technician. 
The reason for study in our University is that UCB offers young people the opportunity of choosing various study programs in accordance with the specific requirements of the labor market in South-West region of Oltenia. The significant efforts made for the diversification of education were combined with those for the development of the material, institutional infrastructure and of human resources to ensure competitive and qualitative requirements relative to European standards. Furthermore,UCB aims to create opportunities for the professional development of its students, to carry out research activities of high performance, to perform in teaching innovation. 
The students and the graduates have the possibility to get jobs in companies or corporations in Gorj county. These companies are: Oltenia Energy Corporation, Artego, Mirfo, Grimex, INMELCON, IRUM, Eumeca and many other SME's for Economics and Law graduates. We have many students who work and study at the same time, this ensuring them future experience in the working field.




Autumn term (enrolments):

15th June

Spring term (enrolments):

15th November


The Erasmus+ students coming at UCB are accommodated  in Debarcader Student Complex. Places are available in double or triple rooms, fully furnished, including a refrigerator. Each room has a private bathroom. Other facilities: internet connection, washing machine. The rooms are properly equipped to perform study activities and extracurricular activities. Incoming students can use the multipurpose fields (football, tennis, volleyball, basketball, handball) and the gym.  

Other relevant information:

The Incoming students benefit from the same conditions as the Romanian students. Both the Outgoing and the Incoming students have benefited from personal counselling  and have been assisted in the administrative procedures. They have been guided in choosing the compatible disciplines and - in this process - the former Erasmus+ beneficiaries have been involved. Intensive English course for the Outgoing participants and Intensive Romanian course for the Incoming students have been organized.   


Constantin Brancusi University of Tg-Jiu students' league (LSUCB)

President of LSUCB: Ştefan MOŞOI Tel.: 0764.527.537 E-mail: stefan.mosoi@yahoo.com Prim-vicepreședinte LSUCB: Gheorghe ADĂMUȚE Tel.: 0765.875.648 E-mail: gigel.adamute@yahoo.com E-mail: contact@lsucb.ro

The Students' League in 'Constantin Brancusi' University (LSUCB) is a student organization whose goals comprises the development and career prospects, development and research knowledge according to the rule of law. LSUCB has the following values and principles they promote in particular: justice and equity, volunteering, transparency, professionalism, responsibility, honesty, freedom of expression, the right to associate, kindness and care. It is the founding member of the National Union of Students in Romania (UNSR), a non-political alliance that aims to represent the socio-professional interests of the students. The association was founded as a follow up of the meeting with leaders of the most important universities in the country which decided to shape and promote, at the national and international level, a set of common values of the students’ movement in Romania. The Students' League in 'Constantin Brancusi' University (LSUCB) organizes many events such as: Evening freshmen - presenting the structure of the organization, activities, contests and dance.

Member of:


[T: 0.4427, O: 95]
Notification! Due to the high number of applications received, the results for the scholarship programme offered by the Romanian state through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be announced by the end of August. Applicants will be notified directly in their StudyinRomania account in the following month. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Notification! En raison de l'augmentation du nombre de candidatures, les résultats du programme de bourses offert par l'État roumain par l'intermédiaire du ministère des Affaires étrangères, sera annoncée d'ici à la fin d’août. Les candidats seront notifiés directement dans leur compte StudyinRomania le mois suivant. Merci de votre patience et votre compréhension!