”Valahia” University of Targoviste it is a state university, founded in 1992, with the qualifier "HIGH DEGREE of CONFIDENCE" granted by the Council of ARACIS.
The university is evaluated by the European University Association through Institutional Evaluation Programme.
The university offer 40 programs of study from bachelor education, 30 master programs ( one in English), 6 doctoral fields (History, Management, Accounting, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering).
As an essential part of its strategy ”Valahia” University of Târgoviște offer a variety of support services for students, being constantly concerned about their improvement and about the creation of new services, as it is aware of the fact that good quality of the educational environment attracts superior results along the two main activity axes: education and research.
The University offers performance scholarships (scientific, sportive and cultural-artistic), merit scholarships and social scholarships.
The scholarships are distributed per specializations and years of study, proportionally to the number of students, the selection of the beneficiaries being made in agreement to their annual results (performance), semestrial results (merit), revenue per family member, or disease (social and medical scholarships).
The international mobilities for students (ERASMUS+) represent excellent opportunities for the students to accumulate teaching and research experience abroad and these mobilities are actively promoted by our University in partnership with students’ associations.
Leisure Activities:
The students have access to the sports complexes endowed with a synthetic field for mini-football, basketball, and a runway.
The Students’ Club (capacity of seats: 600) is a very attractive component and with a great visibility in the academic community, being not just the main socialization area but also a good organizer of cultural-artistic events with and for students.
Every year our students have the opportunity to join for free one of the students camps from the Black Sea Coast or the Romanian mountains. The financial support is provided by the National Authority for Youth and Sports.
Other support services:
For romanian students the medical care is free of charge, within a Medical center being located near the campus. For about 2,000 students got free consultations each year. The students’ transportation means also benefit of financial support from University.
Beside these scholarships, the University has developed a system of tax deductions/exemptions and provides financial support to socially disadvantaged students or to those with disabilities or learning problems.