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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

Finding the right study program


Study in Romania

Can I first enrol in a Romanian university to study the Romanian language, and then apply for a Romanian language degree program?

Yes. Romanian language classes are organised in different universities within dedicated departments. The preparatory language program takes a full year for undergraduate students, however for post graduate study, the course takes six months.If you are interested in the preparatory course for learning Romanian, you must either first apply for a study program and specify you want to undergo a preparatory year first, or apply directly for the preparatory year. Make sure you apply in due time – it is advised to start the application process in August, given the fact that the academic year starts in the first week of October.
For more information please visit the Learning Romanian section.

I'd like to study in English, but first I need to brush up my English skills. Can I enrol in such a course at a Romanian university?

For study programs in foreign languages, the university where you have enroled may organise a foreign language test. Usually universities decide on the level on the minimum level of English skills. If you pass the language test, there are additional courses that you can enrol at both in universities and in other institutions (private companies, British Council, etc.)

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