ue guvern is

Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

Accommodation - student dorms

General life as a student in


OK, so you have applied to your Romanian university of choice and have been accepted. What’s next?

One of the things you should do before actually arriving is to find accommodation. Luckily, in Romania several options are available and you can pick the one that best suits you. So, where to stay?

On Campus – Public or private student dormitories – approx. 60 – 85 Euro / month (e.g. Brasov city)

Most universities in Romania offer this type of service to students, which can be a very good option compared to private accommodation, in terms of costs. These vary depending on your chosen University, city, and type of accommodation. Quality of accommodation varies from university to university. Some universities offer comfortable and clean dorms with free internet access, canteen, reading rooms and sport facilities. Rooms have 2 or more beds, private bathrooms and sometimes a kitchenette, while video surveillance is available for most of them. Make sure you contact your institution directly to find out more information about location, availability and costs.

Private housing / Rental

If university dormitories are not an option, you can rent a property by yourself or with friends. This can be done through a real estate agent or privately, via a public website. The best flats are most often found via local acquaintances and friends, and you will typically pay a security deposit (of usually one month’s rent). If you live in big cities, some of the prices for rental are:

  • studio lease – 150 to 300 Euro / month.
  • one bedroom apartment – 200 to 350 Euro / month.
  • two bedroom apartment – 250 to 500  Euro / month.

Of course, these will vary based on the location in the city. Also, note that flat-sharing is quite common. Costs tend to come down to under 150 Euros per month in this fashion, and it remains a great way to make friends and divide tasks for household chores.

[T: 0.1425, O: 63]