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Proiect cofinantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Capital Uman 2014 – 2020

Healthcare and emergencies

General life as a student in


As a student in Romania, you benefit from free of charge medical care and psychological assistance, if you are under 26 years old. These services are provided in the higher education institution and in public hospitals, based on the public medical insurance. If you are 26 or older, you must pay a monthly health insurance fee (approx. 15 Euro / month). Note that you must register with a general physician (family doctor), which provides basic consults and can refer to specialists if needed. 

For more information on the necessary paperwork and the services provided within the university, please contact the international student support staff from the chosen university.

Private good clinics and dentistry can help as well. Private dentistry is affordable and in case you get a job in an international corporation or you acquire private medical insurance, you will benefit of free of charge medical care to some services. Medical care in private clinics is subject to payment.

Wherever you are in Romania, if there's a life-threatening emergency (medical or otherwise), call 112. This is a free call (available in all EU countries. For Romania the service is also available in English and French), even from your mobile. An operator will answer and will ask which of the following services you need: police, ambulance, firefighters. The operator will also require from you various information, such as location, type of emergency and any additional relevant details, based on the specific situation.

[T: 0.1667, O: 64]